I've produced, filmed, and edited countless hours of television over my 20 plus years of working in the entertainment industry. Below is a collection of some of my personal projects, for my professional, work take a look at my Linkedin profile

Found In The Forest is a documentary exploring the Environmental School Project, a new public school in Maple Ridge, BC which opened it’s doors in the fall of 2011. The film investigates the differences between it and traditional schools, looking at the style of learning, ecological involvement, class structure, and the impact of outdoor learning on the children. 

This sizzle reel for EP Daily is from one of the five shows I supervised the production of while working at Greedy Productions (now EP Media) in Vancouver, BC.

Found In The Forest is a documentary that explores the Environmental School, a public school in Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada which opened its doors in the fall of 2011. The Environmental School is a place where teachers, administrators, researchers, parents, and students are working together to develop a rich and unique learning environment while challenging conventional educational models.

A stop motion short film about an egg that searches the kitchen for love. For production details go to www.soloshooter.com

The continuation of "Egg" a stop motion short. For production information visit www.soloshooter.com 

An extremely closeup look at backyard snails. Shot with the Canon 100mm macro IS L lens.

This is a sample of animated storyboards created for the short film The Long Shot. The animatics were created using the free version of Google Sketchup and After Effects with a little public domain sound effects.